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What materials can I use with the Laser cutters?


We stock a range of materials in our stock room. This includes laser grade plywood, acrylic sheets and stamp rubber:

Laser grade plywood sizes

In 0.8mm thickness

  • Small Laser cutter – 610x406 mm

  • Large laser cutter – 1220x610 mm

  • Full Sheet – 1220x1220 mm

In 1.5mm, 3mm, 6mm, 9mm thicknesses

  • Small Laser cutter – 760x500 mm

  • Large laser cutter – 1000x700 mm

  • Full Sheet - 1520 x1520mm

Acrylic sizes

Clear Acrylic – 3mm and 5mm

Coloured Acrylic – Frosted, Transparent & Solid – 3mm

  • 600mm x 400mm
  • 1000mm x 600mm

Available Colours


Black White Red Green Blue Orange Yellow Purple
drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing


White Red Green Blue Orange Yellow Purple Pink
drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing

Transparent Black | Red | Green | Blue | Orange | Yellow | :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |drawing |drawing |drawing |drawing |drawing |drawing

Specialist acrylic will need to be purchased externally.

The most up to date prices can be found on the eStore.

Students can bring their own materials though are advised to discuss with a technician prior to buying to make sure they are compatible. Personal material must be dropped off at the workshop 48 hours prior to collection to allow for quarantining.

Paper based materials

  • Paper
  • Card
  • Grey card
  • Corrugated card – single wall only. Double wall and up are fire hazard

Materials you cannot use

  • MDF: Clogs up our filters and smells bad
  • LaserMDF: It produces perhaps 50% the gunk of MDF but still too much
  • Metal of any thickness doesn't cut
  • PVC/Vinyl: absolutely not. Produces chlorine
  • Faux leather – contains PVC
  • Lexan/Polycarbonate

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