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How do I use the dome blower?

To use the dome blower:

  1. Ensure you are wearing correct PPE.

  2. Ensure the extraction hood is open and positioned above the machine.

  3. Prepare your sheet of plastic as described above.

  4. Heat the plastics oven to 165 C°

  5. Prepare the dome blower to the desired size and height using the sizer rings and the height gauge. For a perfect half sphere this needs to be half the size of the diameter plus 6mm. For a 300mm dome set the height gauge to 156mm. Use a measuring tape to do this.

  6. Heat up the acrylic in the plastics oven for 10 minutes.

  7. Once it is hot transfer the plastic sheet to the dome blower wearing thermal gloves. The plastic will stay hot for around 30 – 60 seconds so you must work quickly once it is removed from the oven. If the plastic cools you will not be able to form the dome.

  8. Place the plastic sheet centred onto the silicone rubber pad.

  9. Lock the facing front and rear clamps at the same time. The forces required to clamp are opposing and the process can be achieved quite smoothly.

  10. Switch on the pump on the vacuum forming machine, which supplies the air, and press the blow button.

  11. Hold down the blow button until the top of the dome is 6mm below the height indicator.

  12. Release the blow button and the dome will cool down.

  13. Once cool unclamp the dome and remove from machine.

  14. When finished turn off the machine and leave clean and tidy.

  15. If you want to trim the border this can be done on the bandsaw and sanding machine.

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